Fachgruppe Prozessdatenverarbeitung (PDV)
- Wissenschaftliche Datenerfassung
- Visualisierung
- Software-Entwicklung
- tillbergmann ∂ web de
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge:
- T Bergmann et al.: Inspiration from VR gaming technology: Deep immersion and realistic interaction for scientific visualization. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications – Vol. 3: IVAPP, VISIGRAPP, Porto, Portugal, Feb 2017.
- T Bergmann et al.: A Scalable DAQ System with High-Rate Channels and FPGA- and GPU-Trigger for the Dark Matter Search Experiment EDELWEISS-III, IEEE NSS-MIC Conference Proceedings, San Diego,Nov 2015.
- T Bergmann, Workshop Educational Games (invited speaker), High School Teacher Program, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 8 July 2015. ( http://indico.cern.ch/event/355973/other-view?view=standard )
- JF Amsbaugh et al.: Focal-plane detector system for the KATRIN experiment, arXiv:1404.2925, 2014.
- T Bergmann, A Kopmann, M Steidl, J Wolf: A Virtual Reality Visit In A Large Scale Research Facility For Particle Physics Education And Public Relation, INTED2014 Proceedings, Valencia, Spain, 2830-2838, 2014.
- T Bergmann, A Kopmann, M Steidl, J Wolf: Virtual Reality Educational Games: a Case Study in Large Scale Particle Physics Research, NPSE2014 Proceedings, Florence, Italy, 2014.
- T Bergmann, D Bormann, M Howe, M Kleifges, A Kopmann, N Kunka, A Menshikov, D Tcherniakhovski: FPGA-based multi-channel DAQ systems with external PCI express link to GPU compute servers, Real Time Conference (RT), Berkeley, CA, 2012 18th IEEE-NPSS, 1-5, 2012.
- C Meurer et al.: HEAT-a low energy enhancement of the Pierre Auger Observatory, Astrophysics & Space Sciences Transactions (ASTRA) 7 (2), 2011.
- T Bergmann: Numerische Behandlung von Kaskadengleichungen zur schnellen Simulation höchstenergetischer Luftschauer; Dissertation, Wiss. Berichte FZKA 7354, 2007.
- T Pierog, MK Alekseeva, T Bergmann, V Chernatkin, R Engel, D Heck, NN Kalmykov, J Moyon, S Ostapchenko, T Thouw, K Werner: First results of fast one-dimensional hybrid simulation of extensive airshowers (EAS) using CONEX, Nuclear Phys. B-Proceedings Supplements 151 (1), 159-162, 2006.